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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 680.50
Examination of witnesses on commission; interrogatories
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 3, TITLE S, ARTICLE 680
§ 680.50 Examination of witnesses on commission; interrogatories.

1. Following an order for the issuance of a commission and the
court's designation of the witnesses to be examined thereon, each party
must prepare interrogatories or questions to be asked of each witness
who is to be examined upon his or its request, and must submit the same
to the court and serve a copy thereof upon the other party. Following
such submission and service, such other party may in the same manner
submit and serve cross-interrogatories or questions, to be asked of the
witness following his examination upon the direct inquiry.

2. After all such interrogatories and cross-interrogatories have been
submitted and served, the court may examine them and, with opportunity
for counsel to be heard, exclude and strike any question which it
considers irrelevant, incompetent or otherwise improper or violative of
the rules of evidence which prevail at a criminal trial.