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SECTION 680.60
Examination of witnesses on commission; form and content of the commission
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 3, TITLE S, ARTICLE 680
§ 680.60 Examination of witnesses on commission; form and content of

the commission.

1. The commission must be subscribed by the court and must contain:

(a) The name and address of each witness to be examined; and

(b) The name, or a descriptive title, of a commissioner or
commissioners who, pursuant to subdivision two, are authorized to
conduct the examination; and

(c) A statement authorizing such commissioner or commissioners to
administer the oath to witnesses; and

(d) A direction that, upon completion of such examination, such
commissioner or commissioners cause it to be transcribed and remit to
the court the transcript, the commission, the interrogatories and all
other pertinent instruments and documents.

2. The following persons may be designated commissioners:

(a) If the examination is to occur within the United States or any
territory thereof, any attorney authorized to practice law in the
specified jurisdiction or any person authorized to administer oaths

(b) If the examination is to occur in a foreign country, any
diplomatic or consular agent or representative of the United States
employed in such capacity in such country, or any commissioned officer
of the armed forces.

3. The court must cause the commission to be delivered to a
commissioner designated therein, together with a copy of this article.