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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 690.25
Search warrants; to whom addressable and by whom executable
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 3, TITLE T, ARTICLE 690
§ 690.25 Search warrants; to whom addressable and by whom executable.

1. A search warrant must be addressed to a police officer whose
geographical area of employment embraces or is embraced or partially
embraced by the county of issuance. The warrant need not be addressed
to a specific police officer but may be addressed to any police officer
of a designated classification, or to any police officer of any
classification employed or having general jurisdiction to act as a
police officer in the county.

2. A police officer to whom a search warrant is addressed, as provided
in subdivision one, may execute it pursuant to its terms anywhere in the
county of issuance or an adjoining county, and he may execute it
pursuant to its terms in any other county of the state in which it is
executable if (a) his geographical area of employment embraces the
entire county of issuance or (b) he is a member of the police department
or force of a city located in such county of issuance.