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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 705.00
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 3, TITLE T, ARTICLE 705
§ 705.00 Definitions.

As used in this article, the following terms have the following

1. "Pen register" means a device which records or decodes electronic
or other impulses which identify the numbers dialed or otherwise
transmitted on the telephone line to which such device is attached, but
such term does not include any device used by a provider or customer of
a wire or electronic communication service for billing, or recording as
an incident to billing, for communications services provided by such
provider or any device used by a provider or customer of a wire
communication service for cost accounting or other like purposes in the
ordinary course of its business.

2. "Trap and trace device" means a device which captures the incoming
electronic or other impulses which identify the originating number of an
instrument or device from which a wire or electronic communication was

3. "Applicant" means a district attorney, an assistant district
attorney, and when empowered by law to conduct an investigation of or to
prosecute or participate in the prosecution of a designated crime, the
attorney general, an assistant attorney general, the deputy attorney
general in charge of the statewide organized crime task force, or an
assistant deputy attorney general of such task force.

4. "Law enforcement agency" means any agency which is empowered by law
to conduct an investigation or to make an arrest for a felony, and any
agency which is authorized by law to prosecute or participate in the
prosecution of a felony.

5. "Designated crime" means any crime included within the definition
of a "designated offense" in subdivision eight of section 700.05 of this
chapter, any criminal act as defined in subdivision one of section
460.10 of the penal law, bail jumping in the first and second degree as
defined in sections 215.57 and 215.56 of such law, or aggravated
harassment as defined in subdivisions one and two of section 240.30 of
such law.

6. "Justice" means justice as defined in subdivision four of section
700.05 of this chapter.