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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Protecting civil and public rights
Civil Rights (CVR) CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE 4
§ 44-a. Protecting civil and public rights. A person who: 1.
Excludes a citizen of this state, by reason of race, color, creed,
national origin or previous condition of servitude, from any public
employment or employment in any capacity in industries engaged in
defense contracts or from the equal enjoyment of any accommodation,
facility or privilege furnished by innkeepers or common carriers, or by
owners, managers or lessees of theatres or other places of amusement, or
by teachers and officers of common schools and public institutions of
learning; or,

2. Excludes a citizen of this state by reason of race, color, national
origin or previous condition of servitude from the equal enjoyment of
any accommodation, facility or privilege furnished by a cemetery
association or associations; or,

3. Denies or aids or incites another to deny to any other person
because of race, creed, color or national origin public employment or
employment in any capacity in industries engaged in war contracts or the
full enjoyment of any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities and
privileges of any hotel, inn, tavern, restaurant, public conveyance on
land or water, theatre or other place of public resort or amusement;

Is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by fine of not less than fifty
dollars nor more than five hundred dollars.