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Time and place of annual meeting
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 41, PART 1
* § 2002. Time and place of annual meeting. 1. The annual meeting and
election of each school district shall be held on the third Tuesday of
May in each year, provided, however that such annual meeting and
election shall be held on the second Tuesday in May if the commissioner
at the request of a local school board certifies no later than March
first that such election would conflict with religious observances.
Unless the hour and place thereof shall have been fixed by a vote of a
previous district meeting, the same shall be held in the schoolhouse at
seven-thirty o'clock in the evening in the case of a school district
that is not divided into election districts and conducts its election or
vote by recording the ayes or noes of the qualified voters attending,
or, in the case of all other districts, during at least six consecutive
hours after six a.m., two of which hours shall be after six p.m. as
determined by resolution of the trustees or board of education,
provided, however, that the trustees or board of education of any school
district that conducted its annual meeting at seven-thirty p.m. in
nineteen hundred ninety-seven may conduct its annual election and budget
vote at such time in nineteen hundred ninety-eight. If a district
possesses more than one schoolhouse, it shall be held in the one usually
employed for that purpose, unless the trustees or board of education
designate another, provided that if the school district is divided into
election districts such annual meeting and election shall be held at
such place in each election district as the board of education may
designate. If the district possesses no schoolhouse, or if the
schoolhouse shall not be accessible or adequate, then the annual meeting
and election shall be held at such place as the trustees or board of
education, or the clerk, shall designate in the notice.

* NB Effective until March 13, 2025

* § 2002. Time and place of annual meeting. 1. The annual meeting and
election of each school district shall be held on the third Tuesday of
May in each year, provided, however that such annual meeting and
election shall be held on the second Tuesday in May if the commissioner
at the request of a local school board certifies no later than March
first that such election would conflict with religious observances.
Unless the hour and place thereof shall have been fixed by a vote of a
previous district meeting, the same shall be held in the schoolhouse, or
any building owned or leased by the district, at seven-thirty p.m. in
the case of a school district that is not divided into election
districts and conducts its election or vote by recording the ayes or
noes of the qualified voters attending, or, in the case of all other
districts, during at least six consecutive hours after six a.m., two of
which hours shall be after six p.m. as determined by resolution of the
trustees or board of education, provided, however, that the trustees or
board of education of any school district that conducted its annual
meeting at seven-thirty p.m. in nineteen hundred ninety-seven may
conduct its annual election and budget vote at such time in nineteen
hundred ninety-eight. If a district possesses more than one schoolhouse
or building, or leases more than one building, it shall be held in the
one usually employed for that purpose, unless the trustees or board of
education designate another, provided that if the school district is
divided into election districts such annual meeting and election shall
be held at such place in each election district as the board of
education may designate. If the district possesses no schoolhouse or
building, or does not lease a building, or if the schoolhouse or
building shall not be accessible or adequate, then the annual meeting
and election shall be held at such place as the trustees or board of
education, or the clerk, shall designate in the notice.

2. The use of any building owned or leased by a school district, as
described in subdivision one of this section, shall comply with the
accessibility provisions set out in subdivisions one-a and one-b of
section 4-104 of the election law.

* NB Effective March 13, 2025