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Notice of annual meeting in union free school district
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 41, PART 1
§ 2004. Notice of annual meeting in union free school district. 1. The
clerk of each union free school district shall give notice of the
availability of the statement of expenditures pursuant to the provisions
of section seventeen hundred sixteen of this chapter and shall also give
notice of the time and place of the annual meeting and the notice
required by section seventeen hundred sixteen of this chapter by
publishing a notice four times within the seven weeks next preceding
such district meeting, the first publication to be at least forty-five
days before said meeting, in two newspapers if there shall be two, or in
one newspaper if there shall be but one, having general circulation
within such district. But if no newspaper shall then have general
circulation therein, the said notice shall be posted in at least twenty
of the most public places in said district forty-five days before the
time of such meeting.

2. Such notice shall also state that petitions nominating candidates
for the office of member of the board of education must be filed in the
office of the clerk of the district between the hours of nine a.m. and
five p.m., not later than the thirtieth day preceding the school meeting
or election at which the candidates so nominated are to be elected.

5. If the district has personal registration of voters pursuant to
section two thousand fourteen of this chapter, and has not been divided
into election districts pursuant to section two thousand seventeen of
this chapter, such notice shall also state:

a. the place and hour or hours at which the board of registration
shall meet to prepare the register of the school district and any person
shall be entitled to have his name placed upon such register, provided
that at such meeting of the board of registration, he is known or proven
to the satisfaction of such board of registration, to be then or
thereafter entitled to vote at the school meeting or election for which
such register is prepared,

b. that the register prepared pursuant to section two thousand
fourteen of this chapter will be filed in the office of the clerk of the
district; that such register will be open for inspection by any
qualified voter of the district and the hours during which such register
will be open for inspection on each of the five days prior to and the
day set for the meeting or election, except Sundays.

6. If the district has been divided into election districts pursuant
to section two thousand seventeen of this chapter, such notice shall
also state:

a. the place and hour or hours in each election district at which the
members of the board of registration shall meet to prepare the register
of the school district for each election district and any person shall
be entitled to have his name placed upon such register, provided that at
such meeting of the members of the board of registration he is known or
proven to the satisfaction of such members to be then or thereafter
entitled to vote at the school meeting or election for which such
register is prepared,

b. the place in each election district where the meeting or election
shall be held,

c. that the register prepared pursuant to section two thousand
fourteen of this chapter will be filed in the office of the clerk of the
district; that such register will be open for inspection by any
qualified voter of the district and the hours during which such register
will be open for inspection on each of the five days prior to and the
day set for the meeting or election, except Sundays,

d. if the district is divided into election districts and voting
machines are used, that a statement of estimated expenses for the
ensuing year will be completed and copies made available at each
schoolhouse in the district in which school is maintained during certain
designated hours on each day other than a Saturday, Sunday or holiday
during the fourteen days immediately preceding such meeting, together
with the text of any resolution which will be presented to the voters.

7. Such notice shall also state that applications for early mail and
absentee ballots for election of board members may be applied for at the
office of the clerk of the district. Such notice, in such case, shall
further state that a list of all persons to whom early mail and absentee
ballots shall have been issued, will be available in the said office of
the clerk on each of the five days prior to the day of the election
except Sundays, and that such list will also be posted at the polling
place or places at the election of members of the board of education.

8. Such notice and all other notices and reports required to be
published in newspapers under the provisions of this chapter shall be
printed at the rates and for the fees prescribed in section fifteen
hundred fifty-one of the civil practice act. In the event that the
publishers of one or both of the newspapers having general circulation
in such district shall refuse to print and publish the notices or
reports at the rates and for the fees so prescribed, publication in such
newspaper or newspapers so refusing may be omitted, in which case the
notices or reports shall be posted as required by this section in lieu
of such publication.