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This entry was published on 2019-01-11
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Police officers and firefighters on boards of education
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 43, PART 1
§ 2103-a. Police officers and firefighters on boards of education.
Notwithstanding any general, special or local law, ordinance or charter
provision to the contrary, or any rule or regulation, police officers
and firefighters employed by any municipal subdivision of the state or
police district provided they are otherwise eligible, may be candidates
for election and serve as members of boards of education in school
districts located: (1) other than in the municipality where they perform
their duties as police officers and firefighters on a regular basis, or
(2) unless prohibited by the legislative body for whom they are
employed, in school districts located in the locality where they perform
their duties as police officers and firefighters.