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This entry was published on 2024-09-13
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Board of education
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 52
* § 2552. Board of education. The board of education of each such city
school district is hereby continued. The educational affairs in each
such city school district shall be under the general management and
control of a board of education to consist of not less than three and
not more than nine members, to be chosen as hereinafter provided, and to
be known as members of the board of education, except that the board of
education of the city school district of the city of New York shall be
constituted as provided in article fifty-two-A of this chapter. The
number of members on the board of education of each such city school
district shall continue to be as follows:

a. City school district of the city of Buffalo: nine members.

b. City school district of the city of Rochester: seven members.

c. City school district of the city of Syracuse: seven members.

d. City school district of the city of Yonkers: nine members.

* NB Effective until July 1, 2025

* § 2552. Board of education. The board of education of each such city
school district is hereby continued. The educational affairs in each
such city school district shall be under the general management and
control of a board of education to consist of not less than three and
not more than nine members, to be chosen as hereinafter provided, and to
be known as members of the board of education, except that the board of
education of the city school district of the city of New York shall be
constituted as provided in article fifty-two-A of this title. The number
of members on the board of education of each such city school district
shall continue to be as follows, provided that student ex officio board
members as described in subdivision eleven of section twenty-five
hundred fifty-three of this article shall not be considered board
members for purposes of this section:

a. City school district of the city of Buffalo: nine members.

b. City school district of the city of Rochester: seven members.

c. City school district of the city of Syracuse: seven members.

d. City school district of the city of Yonkers: nine members.

* NB Effective July 1, 2025