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This entry was published on 2024-05-31
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Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 52-A
§ 2590-a. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms
shall mean:

1. City district. The term "city district" shall mean the city school
district of the city of New York.

2. Community district. The term "community district" shall mean a
community school district created or to be created within the city
district under the provisions of this article.

3. City board. The term "city board" shall mean the board of education
of the city district.

* 4. Community district education council. The term "community
council" shall mean the community district education council of a
community district established pursuant to section twenty-five hundred
ninety-c of this article.

* NB Effective until June 30, 2026

* 4. Community board. The term "community board" shall mean the board
of education of a community district.

* NB Effective June 30, 2026

5. Chancellor. The term "chancellor" shall mean the chancellor of the
city district.

6. Community superintendent. The term "community superintendent" shall
mean the superintendent of schools of a community district.

7. Parent. The term "parent" shall mean a person in parental relation
to a child, as that phrase is defined in subdivision ten of section two
of this chapter.

* 8. Registered voter. The term "registered voter" shall mean an
elector of the city of New York under the election law.

* NB Effective June 30, 2026

* 9. Educational facilities. The term "educational facilities" shall
mean land and the improvements thereon for use in connection with any
educational activity to be undertaken or provided by the city board or
any community council or any facility attendant thereto or any facility
necessary, useful or desirable in connection with such activity.

* NB Effective until June 30, 2026

* 9. Educational facilities. The term "educational facilities" shall
mean land and the improvements thereon for use in connection with any
educational activity to be undertaken or provided by the city board or
any community school board or any facility attendant thereto or any
facility necessary, useful or desirable in connection with such

* NB Effective June 30, 2026

10. Project. The term "project" shall mean, with respect to an
educational facilities capital plan, (a) the performance, at a specified
educational facility, of one or more program elements, as defined in
paragraph a, b, c or d of subdivision two of section twenty-five hundred
ninety-p of this article; or (b) the performance of the program elements
defined in paragraphs f and g of such subdivision or any system
replacement identified in paragraph e of such subdivision.