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This entry was published on 2024-05-31
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Conflicts of interest
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 52-A
§ 2590-n. Conflicts of interest. * 1. It shall be unlawful for any
community board member, community superintendent, or any such other
officer or employee in schools and programs under the jurisdiction of
the community board as the chancellor by regulation shall specify, to be
directly or indirectly interested in the furnishing of any supplies or
materials, or in the doing of any work or labor, or in the sale or
leasing of any real estate, or in any proposal, agreement, or contract
for any of these purposes, in any case in which the price or
consideration is to be paid, in whole or in part, directly or
indirectly, out of any school moneys, or who shall have received from
any source whatever any commission or compensation in connection with
any of the matters aforesaid.

* NB Effective until June 30, 2026

* 1. It shall be unlawful for any community board member, community
superintendent or any such other officer or employee in schools and
programs under the jurisdiction of the community board as the city board
by regulation shall specify, to be directly or indirectly interested in
the furnishing of any supplies or materials, or in the doing of any work
or labor, or in the sale or leasing of any real estate, or in any
proposal, agreement or contract for any of these purposes, in any case
in which the price or consideration is to be paid, in whole or in part,
directly or indirectly, out of any school moneys, or who shall have
received from any source whatever any commission or compensation in
connection with any of the matters aforesaid.

* NB Effective June 30, 2026

2. a. A community board member may not (i) use his official authority
or influence for the purpose of interfering with or affecting the result
of an election or a nomination for office; or (ii) directly or
indirectly coerce, attempt to coerce or command a community board
employee or a city board employee to pay, lend or contribute anything of
value to a party, committee, organization, agency or person for
political purposes or to participate in any political campaign.

b. Notwithstanding any provision of this subdivision to the contrary,
a community board member may participate in, affect or aid the result of
such person's own election or nomination for office or express opinions
on political subjects and candidates.

c. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed (i) to limit the
applicability of section one hundred seven of the civil service law to
community board members; or (ii) to preclude a community board member
from carrying out any duty prescribed by law.

3. Violation of this section shall constitute cause for removal from
office in accordance with notice and hearing provisions contained in
regulations and by-laws of the city board.

4. The provisions of this section shall not apply to authors of school
books used in any of the public schools because of any interest they may
have as authors in such books.