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Educational facilities master plan
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 52-A
* § 2590-o. Educational facilities master plan. 1. In accordance with
the schedule set forth in subdivision two of this section, the
chancellor shall prepare an educational facilities master plan to take
effect on July first, nineteen hundred eighty-nine, which shall set
forth all the actions necessary to restore the city's educational
facilities to a state of good repair by January first, two thousand. The
plan shall (i) set forth the minimum acceptable standards for each type
of educational facility and the number and identity to the extent
ascertainable of facilities of each such type that the chancellor
believes do not currently meet such minimum standards, (ii) identify
those facility defects and shortcomings that most seriously impede
learning and teaching, (iii) describe the remedial measures proposed to
be taken, (iv) establish priorities for their initiation and completion,
including a list of prioritized projects to the extent ascertainable and
(v) list each proposed new educational facility and set forth a
justification, including demographic data, documenting the longterm need
therefor. In addition, the master plan shall include an estimate of its
cost and such other information as the chancellor shall determine.

2. No later than January sixth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine, the
chancellor shall, in conjunction with the submission of the five-year
educational facilities capital plan required by section twenty-five
hundred ninety-p of this chapter, submit the master plan to each
community school board, which shall conduct a public hearing on both the
educational facilities master plan and the five-year educational
facilities capital plan and shall prepare and submit recommendations to
the chancellor on or before February twentieth, nineteen hundred
eighty-nine with respect to matters in the plans that involve that
school district. The chancellor shall consider the recommendations
received from the community school boards, and, on or before March
eighth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine, shall submit a final educational
facilities master plan to the city board for its approval. On or before
March twenty-second, nineteen hundred eighty-nine, the city board shall
approve the educational facilities master plan submitted by the
chancellor or such plan as is determined by the city board.

** 3. No later than January first, nineteen hundred ninety-three, the
chancellor shall prepare and submit a preliminary proposed revision to
the educational facilities master plan to the city board and to each
community school board. This proposed revision shall reflect the
progress achieved during the first three years of the master plan and
shall incorporate such changes to the master plan as the chancellor
deems necessary. Each such community school board shall conduct a public
hearing and shall prepare and submit recommendations to the chancellor
on or before March first, nineteen hundred ninety-three with respect to
matters in the plan that involve that school district. The chancellor
shall consider the recommendations received from the community school
boards, and, on or before April first, nineteen hundred ninety-three,
shall submit a final proposed revision to the master plan to the city
board for its approval. On or before May first of such year, the city
board shall approve the revision to the educational facilities master
plan submitted by the chancellor.

** NB Effective until June 30, 2026

** 3. No later than January first, nineteen hundred ninety-three, the
chancellor shall prepare and submit a preliminary proposed revision to
the educational facilities master plan to the city board and to each
community school board. This proposed revision shall reflect the
progress achieved during the first three years of the master plan and
shall incorporate such changes to the master plan as the chancellor
deems necessary. Each such community school board shall conduct a public
hearing and shall prepare and submit recommendations to the chancellor
on or before March first, nineteen hundred ninety-three with respect to
matters in the plan that involve that school district. The chancellor
shall consider the recommendations received from the community school
boards, and, on or before April first, nineteen hundred ninety-three,
shall submit a final proposed revision to the master plan to the city
board for its approval. On or before May first of such year, the city
board shall approve the revision to the educational facilities master
plan submitted by the chancellor or such plan as is determined by the
city board.

** NB Effective June 30, 2026

* NB There are 2 § 2590-o's