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This entry was published on 2024-05-31
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Course work or training in infection control practices
* § 6505-b. Course work or training in infection control practices.
Every dentist, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, podiatrist,
optometrist and dental hygienist practicing in the state shall, on or
before July first, nineteen hundred ninety-four and every four years
thereafter, complete course work or training appropriate to the
professional's practice approved by the department regarding infection
control, which shall include sepsis, and barrier precautions, including
engineering and work practice controls, in accordance with regulatory
standards promulgated by the department, in consultation with the
department of health, which shall be consistent, as far as appropriate,
with such standards adopted by the department of health pursuant to
section two hundred thirty-nine of the public health law to prevent the
transmission of HIV, HBV, HCV and infections that could lead to sepsis
in the course of professional practice. Each such professional shall
document to the department at the time of registration commencing with
the first registration after July first, nineteen hundred ninety-four
that the professional has completed course work or training in
accordance with this section, provided, however that a professional
subject to the provisions of paragraph (f) of subdivision one of section
twenty-eight hundred five-k of the public health law shall not be
required to so document. The department shall provide an exemption from
this requirement to anyone who requests such an exemption and who (i)
clearly demonstrates to the department's satisfaction that there would
be no need for him or her to complete such course work or training
because of the nature of his or her practice or (ii) that he or she has
completed course work or training deemed by the department to be
equivalent to the course work or training approved by the department
pursuant to this section. The department shall consult with
organizations representative of professions, institutions and those with
expertise in infection control and HIV, HBV, HCV and infections that
could lead to sepsis with respect to the regulatory standards
promulgated pursuant to this section.

* NB Effective until December 22, 2025

* § 6505-b. Course work or training in infection control practices.
Every dentist, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, podiatrist,
optometrist, athletic trainer, and dental hygienist practicing in the
state shall, on or before July first, nineteen hundred ninety-four and
every four years thereafter, complete course work or training
appropriate to the professional's practice approved by the department
regarding infection control, which shall include sepsis, and barrier
precautions, including engineering and work practice controls, in
accordance with regulatory standards promulgated by the department, in
consultation with the department of health, which shall be consistent,
as far as appropriate, with such standards adopted by the department of
health pursuant to section two hundred thirty-nine of the public health
law to prevent the transmission of HIV, HBV, HCV and infections that
could lead to sepsis in the course of professional practice. Each such
professional shall document to the department at the time of
registration commencing with the first registration after July first,
nineteen hundred ninety-four that the professional has completed course
work or training in accordance with this section, provided, however that
a professional subject to the provisions of paragraph (f) of subdivision
one of section twenty-eight hundred five-k of the public health law
shall not be required to so document. The department shall provide an
exemption from this requirement to anyone who requests such an exemption
and who (i) clearly demonstrates to the department's satisfaction that
there would be no need for him or her to complete such course work or
training because of the nature of his or her practice or (ii) that he or
she has completed course work or training deemed by the department to be
equivalent to the course work or training approved by the department
pursuant to this section. The department shall consult with
organizations representative of professions, institutions and those with
expertise in infection control and HIV, HBV, HCV and infections that
could lead to sepsis with respect to the regulatory standards
promulgated pursuant to this section.

* NB Effective December 22, 2025