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Dispensing information to be provided by veterinarians
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 135
§ 6715. Dispensing information to be provided by veterinarians. 1.
Each time a veterinarian initially prescribes or dispenses a drug to a
dog, cat, or rabbit for use outside the office, the veterinarian shall
provide to the owner of such animal, or his or her agent, the following

(a) the name and description of the drug;

(b) directions for use, including, if applicable, any actions to be
taken in the event of a missed dose;

(c) if available, manufacturer instructions for proper storage;

(d) any common reasonably anticipated adverse effects associated with
the use of such drug; and

(e) if available, manufacturer precautions and relevant warnings.

2. The provisions of paragraphs (d) and (e) of subdivision one of this
section shall only apply when the manufacturer has made available
information for the specific animal species to which such drug is
prescribed or dispensed pursuant to subdivision one of this section.

3. The information to be provided pursuant to subdivision one of this
section shall be provided in writing or orally and the method of
disclosure shall be noted in the patient medical record.