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Limited permits
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 136
§ 6735. Limited permits. a. The department of education shall issue a
limited permit to an applicant who meets all requirements for admission
to the licensing examination.

b. All practice under a limited permit shall be under the supervision
of a licensed physical therapist in a public hospital, an incorporated
hospital or clinic, a licensed proprietary hospital, a licensed nursing
home, a public health agency, a recognized public or non-public school
setting, the office of a licensed physical therapist, or in the civil
service of the state or political subdivision thereof.

c. Limited permits shall be for six months and the department may for
justifiable cause renew a limited permit provided that no applicant
shall practice under any limited permit for more than a total of one

d. Supervision of a permittee by a licensed physical therapist shall
be on-site supervision and not necessarily direct personal supervision
except that such supervision need not be on-site when the supervising
physical therapist has determined, through evaluation, the setting of
goals and the establishment of a treatment plan, that the program is one
of maintenance as defined pursuant to title XVIII of the federal social
security act.

e. The fee for each limited permit and for each renewal shall be
seventy dollars.