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Requirements for license as a physical therapist assistant
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 136
§ 6740. Requirements for license as a physical therapist assistant. a.
Application: file an application with the department;

b. Education: have received an education including completion of a
two-year college program in a physical therapist assistant program or
equivalent in accordance with the commissioner's regulations;

c. Experience: have experience satisfactory to the state board for
physical therapy in accordance with the commissioner's regulations;

c-1. Examination: pass an examination satisfactory to the board and in
accordance with the commissioner's regulations;

d. Age: be at least eighteen years of age;

e. Character: be of good moral character as determined by the

f. Registration: all licensed physical therapist assistants shall
register triennially with the department in accordance with the
regulations of the commissioner;

g. Fees: pay a fee for an initial license of forty-five dollars, and
for the biennial registration period ending December thirty-first,
nineteen hundred eighty-two a fee of twenty dollars and a fee of fifty
dollars for each triennial registration period.