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State board of pharmacy
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 137
§ 6804. State board of pharmacy. A state board of pharmacy shall be
appointed by the regents on recommendation of the commissioner for the
purpose of assisting the regents and the department on matters of
professional licensing and professional conduct in accordance with
section sixty-five hundred eight of this title. The board shall be
composed of not less than nine pharmacists licensed in this state for at
least five years and two registered pharmacy technicians. The initial
registered pharmacy technician members of the state board of pharmacy
need not be licensed prior to their appointment but shall have met all
other requirements of licensure pursuant to section sixty-eight hundred
forty-two of this title except for filing an application and paying a
fee. An executive secretary to the board shall be appointed by the
regents on recommendation of the commissioner and shall be a pharmacist
licensed in this state for at least five years. The board shall provide
assistance to the department:

a. To regulate the practice of pharmacy, registered pharmacy
technicians and the employment of interns and employees in pharmacies,

b. To regulate and control the sale, distribution, character and
standard of drugs, poisons, cosmetics, devices and new drugs,

c. To prevent the sale or distribution of such drugs, poisons,
cosmetics, devices and new drugs as do not conform to the provisions of
this article or of the public health law,

d. To investigate alleged violations of the provisions of this
article, and

e. To issue limited permits or registrations.