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Clinical education in New York state nursing education programs
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 139
§ 6912. Clinical education in New York state nursing education
programs. 1. For purposes of this section, "simulation experience" shall
mean planned learning experiences that represent actual or potential
situations in clinical nursing practice and adhere to the standards of
this section. Such learning experiences allow participants to develop or
enhance clinical nursing competencies and provide an opportunity to
analyze and respond to realistic situations in a simulated environment.

2. New York state certificate and degree programs registered by the
department for the purposes of meeting the education requirements set
forth in this article shall include clinical education, or the
equivalent as defined and determined by the commissioner pursuant to

3. Registered programs may deliver one-third of such clinical training
or clinical education through simulation experience as defined in this
section and in accordance with the commissioner's regulations, provided,
however, nothing in this section shall reduce the minimum in-person or
direct care requirements established by programmatic accreditors and
certifying bodies. To meet a particular educational need the
commissioner may approve that more than one-third of such clinical
training or clinical education may be met through simulation experience
as defined in this section and in accordance with the commissioner's

4. The commissioner shall prescribe in regulation an expedited process
for programs seeking a curricular change to implement simulation
experiences. For programs that are not in substantial compliance with
department program requirements, the department may request additional
information and materials, in accordance with the commissioner's
regulations. The department shall act upon a program's submission to
implement simulation experiences within twenty business days of receipt
of a complete and properly submitted form.

5. Simulation experience acceptable to the department for the purposes
of clinical training or clinical education shall:

(a) be designed, guided and supervised by program faculty and program
staff with appropriate and relevant training, certification or
accreditation, who may be assisted or supported by experts in
simulation, in a nursing skills or clinical simulation laboratory

(b) include continued professional development opportunities for
program faculty and program staff in simulation methods and best

(c) utilize theory-based, evidence-based, and standards-driven

(d) require active student engagement in guided skills practice with
instructional feedback;

(e) include formative and summative assessments of well-articulated
competencies appropriate to the role and responsibilities of the

(f) use various types of fidelity through equipment and practice to
replicate substantial aspects of clinical nursing practice and utilize
relevant equipment and technologies as appropriate to the desired
learning outcomes;

(g) maintain continued compliance with the standards of program
registration; and

(h) respond to innovations or emerging educational needs, pursuant to