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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Requirements for certification
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 157
§ 8004. Requirements for certification. To qualify for certification,
an applicant shall fulfill the following requirements:

1. File an application with the department;

2. (a)(1) Have received an education including a bachelor's degree, or
its equivalent as determined by the department, in dietetics/nutrition
or an equivalent major course of study which shall include appropriate
core curriculum courses in dietetics/nutrition from an accredited
college or university as approved by the department, in accordance with
the commissioner's regulations; and

(2) Have completed a planned, continuous, experience component, in
accordance with the commissioner's regulations, in dietetic or nutrition
practice under the supervision of a certified dietitian or certified
nutritionist or a dietitian or nutritionist who is registered by or is a
member of a national dietetic association or national nutrition
association having registration or membership standards acceptable to
the department; such experience shall be satisfactory to the board and
in accordance with the commissioner's regulations; or

(b)(1) Have received an education including an associates degree in
dietetics or nutrition acceptable to the department,

(2) In the last fifteen years have completed ten years of experience
and education in the field of dietetics or nutrition satisfactory to the
board in accordance with the commissioner's regulations. These ten years
must be the full time equivalent of any combination of post secondary
dietetic or nutrition education and dietetic or nutrition work
experience satisfactory to the board in accordance with the
commissioner's regulations, and

(3) Have obtained the endorsement of three dietitians or nutritionists
acceptable to the department;

3. Pass an examination satisfactory to the board and in accordance
with the commissioner's regulations; provided that such examination
shall test a level of knowledge and experience equivalent to that
obtained by an individual satisfactorily meeting the requirements of
paragraph (a) of subdivision two of this section;

4. Pay a fee of one hundred seventy-five dollars to the department for
admission to a department conducted examination and for initial
certification, a fee of eighty-five dollars for each reexamination, a
fee of one hundred fifteen dollars for an initial certification for
persons not requiring admission to a department conducted examination, a
fee of one hundred fifty-five dollars for each triennial registration

5. Be at least eighteen years of age.