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Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 162
* § 8351. Definition. As used in this article "athletic trainer" means
any person who is duly certified in accordance with this article to
perform athletic training under the supervision of a physician and
limits his or her practice to secondary schools, institutions of
postsecondary education, professional athletic organizations, or a
person who, under the supervision of a physician, carries out comparable
functions on orthopedic athletic injuries, excluding spinal cord
injuries, in a health care organization. Supervision of an athletic
trainer by a physician shall be continuous but shall not be construed as
requiring the physical presence of the supervising physician at the time
and place where such services are performed.

The scope of work described herein shall not be construed as
authorizing the reconditioning of neurologic injuries, conditions or

* NB Effective until December 22, 2025

* § 8351. Definition. 1. As used in this article "athletic trainer"
means any person who is duly licensed in accordance with this article to
perform athletic training under the supervision of a physician and
limits his or her practice to secondary schools, institutions of
postsecondary education, professional athletic organizations, amateur
athletic organizations, non-profit athletic organizations, dance
organizations, military academies and facilities of the United States,
fire training programs or academies, and police training schools and
academies. An athletic trainer may also, under the supervision of a
physician in a health care organization or a physician's private
practice, carry out comparable functions on orthopedic athletic

2. Supervision of an athletic trainer by a physician shall be
continuous but shall not be construed as requiring the physical presence
of the supervising physician at the time and place where such services
are performed, provided however, that such supervision shall include a
signed written agreement or protocol created collaboratively between the
supervising physician and licensed athletic trainer. The written
agreement or protocol shall address and describe the nature and scope of
athletic training services to be performed by such licensed athletic
trainer, in accordance with this title. Such written agreement or
protocol shall be reviewed at least once a year by the supervising
physician and athletic trainer and revised if necessary. No physician
shall supervise more than four athletic trainers, except that such
limitation shall not apply for athletic trainers practicing in secondary
schools, and institutions of postsecondary education, who are practicing
under the supervision of a physician who serves as the medical director
for such school or institution.

3. An athletic trainer shall make a written or oral referral to a
physician of any individual being treated for an orthopedic athletic
injury whose symptoms have not improved for a period of four days from
the day of onset. An individual treated for an orthopedic athletic
injury by an athletic trainer in a healthcare organization or a
physician's private practice shall receive a medical evaluation or
reevaluation if treatment by the athletic trainer exceeds two weeks.

4. The scope of work described in this section shall not be construed
as authorizing the management and treatment of acute, subacute, or
chronic neurological pathologies and comorbidities or neurological
disease processes. Athletic trainers may, however, perform an initial
evaluation and triage of emergent neurological conditions such as
potential concussions, spinal cord injuries or nerve injuries that
result from engagement in athletic activity, and following the
individual's clearance by the supervising physician, the athletic
trainer may work with the individual pursuant to the signed written
agreement or protocol to manage, monitor and treat concussions and
peripheral nerve injuries in such settings as part of the rehabilitation
to return to athletic activity subject to the limitations of subdivision
one of this section.

* NB Effective December 22, 2025