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Definition of practice of athletic training
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 162
* § 8352. Definition of practice of athletic training. The practice of
the profession of athletic training is defined as the application of
principles, methods and procedures for managing athletic injuries, which
shall include the preconditioning, conditioning and reconditioning of an
individual who has suffered an athletic injury through the use of
appropriate preventative and supportive devices, under the supervision
of a physician and recognizing illness and referring to the appropriate
medical professional with implementation of treatment pursuant to
physician's orders. Athletic training includes instruction to coaches,
athletes, parents, medical personnel and communities in the area of care
and prevention of athletic injuries.

The scope of work described herein shall not be construed as
authorizing the reconditioning of neurologic injuries, conditions or

* NB Effective until December 22, 2025

* § 8352. Definition of athletic training. The practice of the
profession of athletic training is defined as:

1. The prevention, recognition, examination, evaluation, assessment,
management, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries;

2. The recognition of illness and referral to the appropriate medical
professional with implementation of treatment pursuant to physician's

3. Instruction to coaches, athletes, parents, medical personnel, and
communities in the area of care and prevention of athletic injuries; and

4. The use of clinically appropriate therapeutic modalities and
techniques, including the use of:

(a) Physical, chemical, and mechanical means including the use of
heat, cold, light, air, water, sound, electricity, massage, mobilization
as it relates to athletic training, including non-thrust mobilization,
and exercise; and

(b) Appropriate preventative and supportive devices and temporary
splinting or bracing.

* NB Effective December 22, 2025