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This entry was published on 2024-05-31
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Special provisions
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 162
* § 8356. Special provisions. A person shall be certified without
examination provided that, within three years from the effective date of
regulations implementing the provisions of this article, the individual:

1. files an application and pays the appropriate fees to the
department; and

2. meets the requirements of subdivisions two and five of section
eight thousand three hundred fifty-five of this article and who in

(a) has been actively engaged in the profession of athletic training
for a minimum of four years during the seven years immediately preceding
the effective date of this article; or

(b) is certified by a United States certifying body acceptable to the

* NB Effective until December 22, 2025

* § 8356. Exempt persons. This article shall not be construed to
affect or prevent:

1. Qualified members of other licensed or legally recognized
professions from performing work incidental to the practice of their
profession, except that such persons may not hold themselves out under
the title athletic trainer or as performing athletic training.

2. An athletic training student from engaging in clinical practice
under the supervision of a licensed athletic trainer as part of a
program of study approved by the department.

3. An athletic trainer licensed in another state or country from
conducting a teaching clinical demonstration in connection with a
program of basic clinical education, graduate education, or
post-graduate education in an approved school of athletic training, or
in a clinical facility, or a health care agency.

* NB Effective December 22, 2025