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This entry was published on 2022-07-01
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Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 163
§ 8401. Definitions. For purposes of this article, the following terms
shall have the following meanings:

1. "Board" means the state board for mental health practitioners
authorized by section eighty-four hundred six of this article.

2. "Psychotherapy" means the treatment of mental, nervous, emotional,
behavioral and addictive disorders, and ailments by the use of both
verbal and behavioral methods of intervention in interpersonal
relationships with the intent of assisting the persons to modify
attitudes, thinking, affect, and behavior which are intellectually,
socially and emotionally maladaptive.

3. "Diagnosis" means the process of distinguishing, beyond a general
assessment, between similar mental, emotional, behavioral,
developmental, and addictive disorders, impairments, and disabilities
within a psychosocial framework on the basis of their similar and unique
characteristics consistent with accepted classification systems.

4. "Development of assessment-based treatment plans" means the
development of an integrated plan of prioritized interventions, that is
based on the diagnosis and psychosocial assessment of the client, to
address mental, emotional, behavioral, developmental, and addictive
disorders, impairments, and disabilities.