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Limited permits
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 164
§ 8506. Limited permits. Permits limited as to eligibility, practice
and duration shall be issued by the department to eligible applicants as

1. Eligibility. A person who fulfills all requirements for
registration as a respiratory therapist except that relating to the
examination shall be eligible for a limited permit.

2. Limit of practice. All practice under a limited permit shall be
under the direct supervision of a licensed respiratory therapist
physician specializing in pulmonary medicine, an anesthesiologist or an
otherwise legally authorized physician.

3. Duration. A limited permit shall expire one year from the date of
issuance or upon notice to the permittee by the department that the
application for licensure has been denied, or ten days after
notification to the permittee of failure on the professional licensing
examination, whichever first occurs; provided, however, that if the
permittee is awaiting the results of a licensing examination at the time
such limited permit expires, such permit shall continue to be valid
until ten days after notification to the permittee of the result of such

4. Fees. The fee for each limited permit shall be seventy dollars.