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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Special provisions
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 164
§ 8513. Special provisions. A person shall be licensed without
examination provided that, within one year of the effective date of this
article, the individual:

1. files an application and pays the appropriate fees to the
department; and

2. (a) is certified by a national certifying or accrediting board for
respiratory therapy technicians acceptable to the department, or

(b) has practiced as a respiratory therapy technician in a hospital,
as defined in article twenty-eight of the public health law, in the
state for not less than two years within the last five years, or

(c) has met the educational standards of a hospital, as defined in
article twenty-eight of the public health law, or, in the case of a
hospital operated by a public benefit corporation, has met the
educational standards of such corporation, and has practiced as a
respiratory therapy technician for at least one year in such hospital.