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This entry was published on 2017-12-01
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Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 168
§ 8850. Definitions. As used in this article: 1. The term
"pathologists' assistant" means a person licensed to assist physicians
who practice pathology by providing services within the permitted scope
of practice for pathologists' assistants as defined in subdivision four
of this section. All such services shall be performed under the
direction and supervision of a licensed physician who practices anatomic

2. The term "direction and supervision" means continuous direction and
supervision, but shall not be construed as necessarily requiring the
physical presence of the supervising physician at the time and place
where such services are performed.

3. The term "physician" means a practitioner of medicine licensed to
practice medicine pursuant to article one hundred thirty-one of this

4. The term "scope of practice for pathologists' assistants" means the
provision of the following services under the direction and supervision
of a licensed physician who practices anatomic pathology: (a) preparing
gross tissue sections for pathology analysis, including but not limited
to, cutting, staining as required, describing gross anatomic features,
dissecting surgical specimens, and submitting tissues for bio-banking,
histologic processing, or other analyses; (b) performing human
postmortem examinations, including but not limited to, selection of
tissues and fluids for further examination, external examination,
dissection, and gathering and recording information for autopsy reports;
and (c) other functions and responsibilities in furtherance of and
consistent with the foregoing as determined by the department. The term
does not include the authority to diagnose or provide a medical opinion.
Services of a pathologists' assistant must be performed in a laboratory
or other site authorized under law to perform such services.

5. The term "committee" means the state committee for pathologists'
assistants created by this article.