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State committee for pathologists' assistants
Education (EDN) CHAPTER 16, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 168
§ 8854. State committee for pathologists' assistants. 1. A state
committee for pathologists' assistants shall be appointed by the board
of regents upon the recommendation of the commissioner as a committee of
the board of medicine to advise solely on matters relating to
pathologists' assistants and shall assist on matters of licensure and
professional conduct. The pathologists' assistant members of the initial
committee need not be licensed prior to their appointment but shall have
met all other requirements of licensing pursuant to section eighty-eight
hundred fifty-three of this article except the filing of an application
and paying a fee.

2. The committee shall consist of no fewer than five individuals, to
be composed of a minimum of the following:

(a) one licensed physician who practices pathology;

(b) three licensed pathologists' assistants; and

(c) one public representative.