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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Changes in codes, rules or regulations
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 6
§ 105. Changes in codes, rules or regulations. Changes in any code,
rule or regulation except such as relates solely to the organization or
internal management of a department, board, bureau, authority,
commission or other agency of the state shall be made by a department,
board, bureau, officer, authority, commission or other agency of the
state only by addition, amendment or repeal. Every resolution or order
affecting such an addition, amendment or repeal shall refer to the
appropriate title and to the appropriate section or paragraph as
published in the official compilation or supplement thereto. In the case
of a proposed new code, rule or regulation except such as relates solely
to the organization or internal management of a department, board,
bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state for which
there is no appropriate title, the head of such department, board,
bureau, authority, commission or other agency of the state shall confer
with the secretary of state and shall, prior to the adoption of any
resolution establishing such code, rule or regulation, have his approval
in writing of the proposed title, captions and numbers of such code,
rule or regulation and any parts, paragraphs or sections thereof.