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Certification of notarial signatures
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 6
§ 133. Certification of notarial signatures. The county clerk of a
county in whose office any notary public has qualified or has filed
their autograph signature and a certificate of official character,
shall, when so requested and upon payment of a fee of three dollars,
affix to any certificate of proof or acknowledgment or oath signed by
such notary anywhere in the state of New York, a certificate under their
hand and seal, stating that a commission or a certificate of official
character of such notary with their autograph signature has been filed
in the county clerk's office, and that the county clerk was at the time
of taking such proof or acknowledgment or oath duly authorized to take
the same; that the county clerk is well acquainted with the handwriting
of such notary public or has compared the signature on the certificate
of proof or acknowledgment or oath with the autograph signature
deposited in their office by such notary public and believes that the
signature is genuine. An instrument with such certificate of
authentication of the county clerk affixed thereto shall be entitled to
be read in evidence or to be recorded in any of the counties of this
state in respect to which a certificate of a county clerk may be
necessary for either purpose. In addition to the foregoing powers, a
county clerk of a county in whose office a notary public has qualified
may certify the signature of an electronic notary public, registered
with the secretary of state pursuant to section one hundred
thirty-five-c of this article, provided such county clerk has received
from the secretary of state, an exemplar of the notary public's
registered electronic signature.