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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Granting authority
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 6-C
§ 157. Granting authority. The division of homeland security and
emergency services by and through the commissioner of the division of
homeland security and emergency services or his duly authorized officers
and employees, shall administer, carry out and approve grants of funds
from moneys allocated and appropriated therefor, for authorized arson,
fire prevention and control expenditures as defined herein, that are
conducted by municipal corporations. "Authorized arson, fire prevention
and control expenditures" shall mean those expenditures utilized by a
municipal corporation for fire or arson prevention, fire or arson
investigation and arson prosecution. No expenditure which has not been
specifically designated by the local legislative body for arson, fire
prevention and control and approved by the office of fire prevention and
control pursuant to rules and regulations promulgated thereby shall be
considered an "authorized arson, fire prevention and control
expenditure." The division of homeland security and emergency services
shall adopt, amend and rescind such rules, regulations and guidelines as
may be necessary for the performance of its functions, powers and duties
under this section. The division of homeland security and emergency
services shall allocate grants under this article among the
municipalities whose applications have been approved in such a manner as
will most nearly provide an equitable distribution of the grants among
municipalities, taking into consideration such factors as the level of
suspected arson activity, population and population density, the need
for state funding to carry out local programs, and the potential of the
municipalities to effectively employ such grants.