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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Functions, powers and duties of the secretary
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 6-D
§ 159-f. Functions, powers and duties of the secretary. The secretary
or his duly authorized officers or employees, shall have the following
functions, powers and duties:

1. To act as the official agent of the state for the purpose of
administering, carrying out and otherwise cooperating with the federal
government in connection with the federal community services block grant
act of 1981, as amended;

2. To allocate federal community services block grant funds pursuant
to contracts with recipients of such funds in the manner required by
federal law and regulation;

3. To assist the governor in applying for the state's allocation under
the federal community services block grant act, including the
fulfillment of any planning requirements;

4. To cooperate with the legislature in conducting hearings required
by the federal community services block grant act; and

5. To monitor and evaluate the use of funds received by the state
pursuant to the federal community services block grant act.