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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Retention of records
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 6-E
§ 160-z. Retention of records. 1. A state certified or licensed real
estate appraiser shall retain for three years, originals or true copies
of all written contracts engaging his or her services for real property
appraisal work, and all reports and supporting data assembled and
formulated by the appraiser in preparing the reports.

2. Such period for retention of records is applicable to each
engagement of the services of the appraiser and shall commence upon the
date of the submittal of the appraisal to the client unless, within such
three year period, such appraiser is notified that the appraisal or
report is involved in litigation, in which event the three year period
for the retention of records shall commence upon the date of the final
disposition of such litigation.

3. All records required to be maintained under the provisions of this
article shall be made available by the state certified or licensed real
estate appraiser for inspection and copying by the board on reasonable
notice to such appraiser. All such records copied by the board shall be
kept confidential, except where disclosure of same is required by law or
mandate of a court.