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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Reporting to New York state violent crimes analysis program
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 11
§ 221-b Reporting to New York state violent crimes analysis program.
1. Every law enforcement agency which receives a report of an actual or
attempted abduction or molestation shall notify the New York state
violent crimes analysis program, via the requirements of the New York
statewide police information network, of such report. Such program shall
make comparisons of data in its files, and report to the law enforcement
agency making an initial report, any similarities to other reports
received by such program. The violent crimes analysis program shall also
notify the unit of a law enforcement agency which investigates homicides
when a report reveals similarities, patterns or modus operandi which
appear in reports of homicides.

2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, every
law enforcement agency that accepts responsibility for investigating a
homicide or attempted homicide, the discovery of unidentified human
remains, a reported missing person case where circumstances indicate a
strong possibility of foul play, or a sexual assault or attempted sexual
assault, shall make a written report of such investigation to the New
York state violent crimes analysis program. Such program shall conduct a
computerized commonality analysis and provide the submitting law
enforcement agency the results of such analysis. Every written report
made to the violent crimes analysis program shall be in form and content
as determined and prescribed by such program, upon the approval of the
superintendent of state police. An initial written report shall be made
to the violent crimes analysis program within thirty days of
commencement of an investigation. The results of a computerized
commonality analysis shall be provided by such program to the submitting
law enforcement agency upon completion of such analysis in a timely
manner, as prescribed by the superintendent of state police.