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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Coordination of local disaster preparedness forces and local civil defense forces in disasters
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 2-B
§ 26. Coordination of local disaster preparedness forces and local
civil defense forces in disasters. 1. Upon the threat or occurrence of a
disaster, the chief executive of a county may coordinate responses for
requests for assistance made by the chief executive of any political
subdivision within the county.

2. Coordination of assistance shall utilize existing organizations and
lines of authority and shall utilize any comprehensive emergency
management plans prepared by the affected municipality.

3. A chief executive or any elected or appointed county, city, town or
village official shall not be held responsible for acts or omissions of
municipal employees, disaster preparedness forces or civil defense
forces when performing disaster assistance pursuant to a declared
disaster emergency or when exercising comprehensive emergency management