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Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-A
§ 412. Definitions. As used in this article,

1. "Office" shall mean the office of children and family services
established in the department of family assistance by chapter four
hundred thirty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred ninety-seven.

2. "Commissioner" shall mean the commissioner of children and family
services, designated as the head of the office of children and family
services by chapter four hundred thirty-six of the laws of nineteen
hundred ninety-seven.

3. "Youth" shall mean any person under twenty-one years of age.

4. "Municipality" shall mean a county, or a city having a population
of one million or more.

5. "Youth development program" shall mean a local program designed to
accomplish the broad purposes of this article subject to the rules and
regulations of the office; provided however, the term "youth development
program" shall not include approved runaway programs or transitional
independent living support programs as such terms are defined in section
five hundred thirty-two-a of this chapter.

6. "State aid" shall mean payments by the state to a municipality for
or toward the cost of establishment, operation and/or maintenance of
approved youth programs in accordance with the provisions of this

7. "Youth board" shall mean the citizen board of a youth bureau.

8. "Municipal youth bureau" shall mean either:

a. In a city having a population of one million or more, the New York
City department of youth and community development, or a successor

b. A youth bureau that engages in activities, including, but not
limited to, the operation, administration or monitoring of youth
development programs, throughout a particular county; or

c. A youth bureau that engages in activities, including, but not
limited to, the operation, administration or monitoring of youth
development programs, throughout two or more particular counties, in
accordance with subdivision five of section four hundred twenty-two of
this article.

9. "Local youth bureau" shall mean a youth bureau, not included within
the definition of municipal youth bureau pursuant to subdivision eight
of this section, that engages in activities, including, but not limited
to, the operation, administration or monitoring of youth development
programs, throughout a particular village, town or city.