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State council for interstate juvenile supervision
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-G, TITLE 1
* § 501-g. State council for interstate juvenile supervision. 1.
Pursuant to article IX of section five hundred one-e of this article,
there is hereby created within the office of children and family
services a state council for interstate juvenile supervision. The
council shall consist of the compact administrator, who shall be the
commissioner of the office of children and family services, and ten
other members to be appointed as follows:

(a) one legislative representative to be appointed by the governor
upon recommendation of the speaker of the assembly;

(b) one legislative representative to be appointed by the governor
upon recommendation of the temporary president of the senate;

(c) a judicial representative to be appointed by the governor upon
recommendation of the chief judge of the court of appeals;

(d) the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services or
his or her designee;

(e) the executive director of the council on children and families or
his or her designee;

(f) the director of the office of probation and correctional
alternatives or his or her designee;

(g) the director of the office of victim services or his or her

(h) the commissioner of the New York city administration for
children's services or his or her designee;

(i) a member of the New York juvenile justice advisory group as
appointed by the governor; and

(j) an attorney appointed upon the recommendation of the New York
state bar association who has represented juveniles in family court in
this state for a total of at least five years.

2. The council shall advise and exercise oversight and advocacy
concerning the state's participation in interstate commission activities
and other duties as the council may determine, including but not limited
to, development of policy concerning the operations and procedures of
the compact within the state. The appointments provided for in this
section shall be made within ninety days of the effective date of this
section. Each appointed member of the council shall serve a term of five
years. Any member chosen to fill a vacancy created other than by
expiration of term shall be appointed for the unexpired term of the
member whom he or she is to succeed. Vacancies caused by the expiration
of term shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments and
for a term of five years. The council members shall serve without salary
but shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for travel and other
related expenses associated with participation in the work of the

3. The state council for interstate juvenile supervision shall provide
an annual report on or before the first day of January, two thousand
twelve, and the first day of January each year thereafter, to the
governor, the speaker of the assembly, the temporary president of the
senate, the minority leader in the assembly, the minority leader in the
senate and the chief judge of the court of appeals on the operations of
the council pertaining to juveniles subject to the interstate compact
for juveniles. Such report shall include an evaluation of the
implementation and operation of the interstate compact for juveniles and
the rules adopted by the interstate commission; a description of the
policies adopted by the state council under the compact; the data
collected by the interstate commission and the council; the status of
and interstate movement of juveniles subject to the compact, including
the number of juveniles subject to the compact and the supervision
status of such juveniles, and, where available, statistical information
on the age, ethnic and racial background, education, and institutional
or criminal history of the juveniles subject to the compact. The report
shall further include the council's evaluation of the efficiency and
effectiveness of the interstate compact for juveniles and shall make
recommendations concerning the operations, procedures and this state's
continued inclusion in the interstate compact for juveniles.

* NB Repealed September 1, 2025