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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Restrictive placements
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-G, TITLE 2
§ 507-c. Restrictive placements. 1. The division shall promulgate
regulations governing restrictive placements of juveniles under section
353.5 of the family court act, not inconsistent with such act.

2. The regulations shall establish within the division a restrictive
placement committee. The division shall make and revise as needed a plan
for the care, treatment, services and supervision of each youth under
restrictive placement, which plan shall be reviewed and may be revised
by the committee. The youth may not be released or transferred from a
facility without the approval of the committee, except by written order
of the director.

3. For youths placed with the division pursuant to a restrictive
placement under section 353.5 of the family court act, the division
shall (a) report in writing to the court not less than once every six
months during the placement on the status, adjustment and progress of
the respondent, unless otherwise provided in the order of disposition;
and (b) provide intensive supervision of the youth whenever he or she is
not in a secure or residential facility of the division.