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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Career education
§ 513. Career education. 1. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to
provide for career education opportunities for youth in the division's
care as a part of general curricula and specialized programs to allow
youth to gain actual business experiences relating to the production and
marketing of products. The emphasis of business experiences provided to
youth shall be on education and rehabilitation.

2. Career education program. The director may establish career
education programs for residents of division facilities. These programs
may include a comprehensive career education program within division
facilities whereby eligible division youth participate in a special
program designed to develop practical and theoretical understanding from
the production through the marketing of goods. No youth may be employed
by private persons or entities pursuant to this section.

3. Sale of products. The director of the division for youth or his
designees are authorized to sell the products resulting from the career
education of the residents of division facilities. The sale of such
products shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the director
of the division.

4. Career education; definition. For purposes of this section, career
education is defined as any activity in the nature of vocational
instruction, prescribed, guided or supervised for the purpose of
contributing to the welfare or rehabilitation of residents of division

5. Sales to state agencies, political subdivisions and public benefit
corporations. The director of the division for youth or his designee is
authorized to enter into contracts with state agencies, political
subdivisions and public benefit corporations for the sale of the
products resulting from the vocational education of the residents
provided that such products are not available to the purchasing entity
under a centralized contract and the sale does not exceed monetary
limits established by statute or by any such entity which would mandate
competitive bidding for the purchase of such product.

6. Vocational education fund. A career education fund may be
established for the receipt of proceeds from products sold, as
authorized by subdivisions three and five of this section, incident to
an avocational or career project.

7. Distribution of proceeds. Pursuant to rules, regulations, policies
or procedures of the director of the division, moneys of the fund shall
be disbursed as follows: (i) an amount equal to the proceeds from the
sale of the product produced by one resident may be deposited to the
account of such resident or paid directly to such resident; or (ii) an
amount equal to the proceeds from the sale of a product produced by two
or more residents may be divided equally among such residents and
deposited to their respective accounts or paid directly to them. In
determining the amount of the proceeds from a sale of a product that may
be deposited to the account of a resident, or paid directly to a
resident, the director of the division for youth shall provide for a
deduction from the sum of the proceeds of the reasonable expenses of the
division for youth incident to the sale, including but not limited to,
the value of materials and supplies for the production of the product
supplied without financial charge to the resident and the expense of
transporting the product for sale, display or otherwise. The amount
deducted for such expenses shall be deposited in the career education
fund and expended to pay for services and expenses of operating career
education programs at division for youth facilities pursuant to this