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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Notification to the office of the ombudsman of youth's need for legal counsel
§ 523-k. Notification to the office of the ombudsman of youth's need
for legal counsel. 1. If informed that a youth residing in a facility
operated by the office has been or is about to be arrested by a law
enforcement official, the office of the ombudsman shall take steps to
see that the youth is provided with adequate legal representation.

2. When a youth residing in a facility operated by the office is to be
interrogated or interviewed by a law enforcement official concerning a
criminal act, or by any person concerning a civil or criminal matter, an
ombudsman may request to be present during such interrogation or
interview. Under no circumstances shall an ombudsman serve as the
youth's attorney or legal representative, and an ombudsman shall so
inform the youth and the representatives of the youth, but if requested
to do so, shall take steps to see that the youth is provided with legal

3. Whenever it appears to the office of the ombudsman that a youth
residing in a facility operated by the office is in need of legal
services, the office of the ombudsman may contact the youth's attorney
or legal representative or assist the youth in making such contact.