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Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-G, TITLE 3-A
§ 527-a. Definitions. 1. For purposes of this title, the following
terms shall have the following meanings:

(a) "Youth center" means any area, building, structure or facility
owned or operated by a not-for-profit corporation or by or for a
municipality for use by the youth of the community which promotes the
health, safety or general welfare of the youth community and which
advances the physical, mental and social well-being of such youth
community, including all necessary and attendant and related facilities
and equipment.

(b) "Facility rehabilitation grants" or "rehabilitation grants" means
an award to a not-for-profit corporation or a municipality for the
purpose of renovation, rehabilitation, repair, remodeling, or
improvement of areas, buildings, structures or facilities intended for
use as a youth center.

(c) "New facility project grant" means an award to a municipality or a
municipality acting jointly with a not-for-profit corporation for the
purpose of construction, demolition, or acquisition of areas, buildings,
structures, or facilities intended to be owned by a municipality for use
as a youth center.

(d) "Project costs" means the reasonable and necessary costs for
planning, demolition, acquisition of land or buildings and construction
of new buildings or the reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair or
remodeling of existing buildings to be used as a youth center. Such
costs shall also include all or any portion of the cost necessary for
the creation of a reserve fund required pursuant to section five hundred
twenty-seven-h of this title.

(e) "New facility operation agreements" or "operation agreements"
means the award of a contract to which the state and a not-for-profit
corporation or a municipality are parties, for the purpose of
maintenance and operation of areas, buildings, structures or facilities
intended for use as a youth center and for which the state has provided
financing of acquisition, demolition or construction under the
provisions of this title and to which the state will hold title.

(f) "Not-for-profit corporation" means a corporation as defined in
subparagraph five of paragraph (a) of section one hundred two of the
not-for-profit corporation law which is engaged in one or more of the
youth center program activities specified in this title.

(g) "Municipality" means a county, city, town or village.

(h) "Program" means the youth center facility program.

(i) "Division" means the division for youth.

(j) "Eligible applicant" means (i) a municipality or (ii) a
not-for-profit corporation or (iii) a municipality and a not-for-profit
corporation applying jointly.