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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-G, TITLE 4
§ 531. Reports. 1. The division for youth shall annually publish a
report summarizing:

(a) the amount of reimbursement made by each social services district
to the state for each category of division facility pursuant to section
five hundred twenty-nine of this chapter, including the numbers of
youths maintained or supervised and the per diem rates charged;

(b) expenditures made by each such social services district for care,
maintenance and supervision furnished alleged and adjudicated juvenile
delinquents and persons in need of supervision in facilities operated by
authorized agencies for which reimbursement is approved pursuant to
section five hundred twenty-nine of this chapter, including the numbers
of such youths in each category of facility and the per diem rates
charged; and

(c) expenditures made by each municipality for the care, maintenance
and supervision of youths in secure and non-secure detention for which
reimbursement is approved pursuant to section five hundred thirty of
this title, including the numbers of such youths in each category of
detention facility and the per diem rates charged.

2. Copies of such report shall be sent to the commissioner of each
social services district, the chief executive officer of the locality
responsible for such expenditures, the director of such locality's
probation department, and the director of such locality's youth bureau,
or if no such bureau exists, the chairman of such locality's youth