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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Annual report
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 20
§ 560. Annual report. The justice center shall make an annual report
to the governor and legislature concerning its work during the preceding
year. Such report shall be posted on the justice center's website and
shall be provided to the independent agency designated pursuant to
subdivision (b) of section five hundred fifty-eight of this article. It
shall include, but not be limited to, data regarding the number of
reports received by the vulnerable persons' central register, results of
investigations by types of facilities and programs, types of corrective
actions taken, results of its review of patterns and trends in the
reporting of and response to reportable incidents and its
recommendations for appropriate preventive and corrective actions, and
efforts undertaken by such justice center to provide training pursuant
to subdivision four of section five hundred fifty-three of this article.