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Manufactured housing advisory council
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 21-B, TITLE 1
§ 611. Manufactured housing advisory council. 1. There is hereby
established within the department a manufactured housing advisory
council. The advisory council shall consist of fifteen members to be
appointed as follows:

a. Four members shall be appointed by the governor; one of whom shall
be a member, officer, or employee of an installer, one of whom shall be
a member, officer, or employee of a park residence advocacy association,
one of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a retailer, and
one of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a trade
association representing the manufactured home industry.

b. Four members shall be appointed by the temporary president of the
senate; one of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a
manufacturer, one of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of the
engineering industry involved in manufactured housing issues, one of
whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a consumer advocacy
association involved in manufactured housing issues, and one of whom
shall be a manufactured housing resident owner.

c. Four members shall be appointed by the speaker of the assembly; one
of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of a manufacturer, one
of whom shall be a member, officer, or employee of the banking industry
involved in manufactured housing issues, one of whom shall be a member,
officer, or employee of a consumer advocacy association involved in
manufactured housing issues, and one of whom shall be a manufactured
housing resident owner.

d. One member shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate;
who shall be a manufactured home resident owner.

e. One member shall be appointed by the minority leader of the
assembly; who shall be a manufactured home resident owner.

2. The secretary shall be a member of the advisory council and shall
serve as chair to the council.