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Powers and duties of the advisory council
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 21-B, TITLE 1
§ 612. Powers and duties of the advisory council. The advisory council
shall have the following functions, powers, and duties:

1. To assist in the development of certification requirements and
fees, warranty seal requirements and fees, and warranty standards for
manufacturers and installers;

2. To assist in the development of training and continuing education

3. To assist in the creation of a consumer awareness pamphlet
detailing the certification process and resolution of dispute process.
The pamphlet shall also explain the differences between types of houses
(mobile, modular and manufactured);

4. To examine consumer protection issues, including but not limited
to, manufactured housing financing and sales practices;

5. To examine the differences of manufactured and modular housing
regulations and make recommendations to the department and the
legislature on an annual basis; and

6. To submit annual reports by December thirty-first, two thousand six
and each year thereafter, to the governor, the temporary president of
the senate and the speaker of the assembly that details the
recommendations of the advisory council regarding manufactured housing
in New York state. The advisory council shall, as part of its report,
detail the number of complaints received by the department and the
number of disputes resolved through the department.