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Filing of claims
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 22
§ 625. Filing of claims. 1. A claim may be filed by a person eligible
to receive an award, as provided in section six hundred twenty-four of
this article, or, if such person is under the age of eighteen years, an
incompetent, or a conservatee, by his relative, guardian, committee,
conservator, or attorney.

* 2. A claim must be filed by the claimant not later than one year
after the occurrence or discovery of the crime upon which such claim is
based, one year after a court finds a lawsuit to be frivolous, or not
later than one year after the death of the victim, provided, however,
that upon good cause shown, the office may extend the time for filing.
The office shall extend the time for filing where the claimant received
no notice pursuant to section six hundred twenty-five-a of this article
and had no knowledge of eligibility pursuant to section six hundred
twenty-four of this article.

* NB Effective until December 31, 2025

* 2. A claim must be filed by the claimant not later than three years
after the occurrence or discovery of the crime upon which such claim is
based, three years after a court finds a lawsuit to be frivolous, or not
later than three years after the death of the victim, provided, however,
that upon good cause shown, the office may extend the time for filing.
The office shall extend the time for filing where the claimant received
no notice pursuant to section six hundred twenty-five-a of this article
and had no knowledge of eligibility pursuant to section six hundred
twenty-four of this article.

* NB Effective December 31, 2025

3. Claims shall be filed in person, by mail or electronically, in such
manner as the office may prescribe. The office shall accept for filing
all claims submitted by persons eligible under subdivision one of this
section and alleging the jurisdictional requirements set forth in this
article and meeting the requirements as to form in the rules and
regulations promulgated to carry out the provisions and purposes of this

* 4. Upon filing of a claim pursuant to this article, the office shall
promptly notify the district attorney of the county wherein the crime is
alleged to have occurred. If, within ten days after such notification,
such district attorney advises the office that a criminal prosecution is
pending upon the same alleged crime and requests that action by the
office be deferred, the office shall defer all proceedings under this
article until such time as such criminal prosecution has been concluded
and shall so notify such district attorney and the claimant. When such
criminal prosecution has been concluded, such district attorney shall
promptly so notify the office. Nothing in this section shall limit the
authority of the office to grant emergency awards pursuant to section
six hundred thirty of this article.

* NB Effective until December 31, 2025

* 4. Upon the filing of a claim pursuant to this article, the office
shall promptly notify the district attorney of the county wherein the
crime is alleged to have occurred, provided however, that in such cases
in which the crime victim reported to a support agency that is also a
victim services provider as defined in clause (B) of subparagraph (iii)
of paragraph (c) of subdivision one of section six hundred thirty-one of
this article, the office shall not make any such notification. If,
within ten days after such notification, such district attorney advises
the office that a criminal prosecution is pending upon the same alleged
crime and requests that action by the office be deferred, the office
shall defer all proceedings under this article until such time as such
criminal prosecution has been concluded and shall so notify such
district attorney and the claimant. When such criminal prosecution has
been concluded, such district attorney shall promptly so notify the
office. Nothing in this section shall limit the authority of the office
to grant emergency awards pursuant to section six hundred thirty of this

* NB Effective December 31, 2025