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This entry was published on 2019-10-11
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Police reports
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 23
* § 646. Police reports. 1. A victim of crime shall be entitled,
regardless of physical injury, without charge to a copy of a police
report of the crime.

2. An individual whose identity was assumed or whose personal
identifying information, as defined in section 190.77 of the penal law,
was used in violation of section 190.78, 190.79 or 190.80 of the penal
law, or any person who has suffered a financial loss as a direct result
of the acts of a defendant in violation of section 190.78, 190.79,
190.80, 190.82 or 190.83 of the penal law, who has learned or reasonably
suspects that his or her personal identifying information has been
unlawfully used by another, may make a complaint to the local law
enforcement agency of the county in which any part of the offense took
place regardless of whether the defendant was actually present in such
county, or in the county in which the person who suffered financial loss
resided at the time of the commission of the offense, or in the county
where the person whose personal identification information was used in
the commission of the offense resided at the time of the commission of
the offense as provided in paragraph (l) of subdivision four of section
20.40 of the criminal procedure law. Said local law enforcement agency
shall take a police report of the matter and provide the complainant
with a copy of such report free of charge.

3. An individual who has been the victim in this state of a family
offense as defined in subdivision one of section 530.11 of the criminal
procedure law or section eight hundred twelve of the family court act
may, upon alleging that it would be a hardship for him or her to make
such complaint in the local jurisdiction in which such offense occurred,
make a complaint to any local law enforcement agency in the state
regardless of where the act took place. Such local law enforcement
agency shall take a police report of the matter, as well as prepare a
domestic violence incident report as defined in subdivision fifteen of
section eight hundred thirty-seven of this chapter and provide the
complainant with a copy of such report free of charge. A copy of the
police report and completed domestic violence incident report shall be
promptly forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency with
jurisdiction over the location where the incident is reported to have
occurred for the purposes of further investigation.

* NB There are 2 § 646's