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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Master plan for management of state lands
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 27
§ 816. Master plan for management of state lands. 1. The department of
environmental conservation is hereby authorized and directed to develop,
in consultation with the agency, individual management plans for units
of land classified in the master plan for management of state lands
heretofore prepared by the agency in consultation with the department of
environmental conservation and approved by the governor. Such management
plans shall conform to the general guidelines and criteria set forth in
the master plan. Until amended, the master plan for management of state
lands and the individual management plans shall guide the development
and management of state lands in the Adirondack park.

2. The master plan and the individual management plans shall be
reviewed periodically and may be amended from time to time, and when so
amended shall as amended henceforth guide the development and management
of state lands in the Adirondack park. Amendments to the master plan
shall be prepared by the agency, in consultation with the department of
environmental conservation, and submitted after public hearing to the
governor for his approval.

3. The agency and department are hereby authorized to develop rules
and regulations necessary, convenient or desirable to effectuate the
purposes of this section.