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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Declaration of purpose
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 39
* § 875. Declaration of purpose. The legislature finds and determines
as follows:

1. Increasing regulation of business in the state has been accompanied
by a proliferation of permits entailing multiple requirements,
jurisdictional overlaps, and business uncertainties. More than
thirty-five state agencies issue permits affecting business. Permits
number in the hundreds in statute with still more in rules and
regulations. Business moves in a maze of permits, licenses, and

2. The public interest will be served by overcoming the delays and
burdensome permit requirements which too often accompany business
regulation and by fixing responsibility for continuing and comprehensive
action designed to consolidate, simplify, or expedite the permit
procedures of state agencies.

3. Accomplishment of these purposes will be facilitated through the
establishment of an office for business permits and a program of
business permit assistance in state government which will provide
comprehensive permit information, one-stop service for permit
applicants, and the coordination of permit processing and review.

4. It is the intent of the legislature that the program of business
permit assistance will be directed to commercial, or non-profit,
business undertakings, projects, and activities rather than to the
routine issuance of licenses and permits for individual privileges,
including the occupational licenses for practicing a trade or
profession, licenses for operating a motor vehicle and amateur sporting
licenses, such as for hunting and fishing.

5. It is the further intent of the legislature that the program of
business permit assistance focus primarily on those business
undertakings needing special help with state agency requirements and
procedures and, generally improve the delivery of governmental services
to businesses locating or expanding in the state.

6. The program of business permit assistance will thereby constitute
an economic advantage to the state and facilitate such undertakings as
commercial, industrial and residential developments; medical, social,
and educational installations; industrial location or expansion; changes
in manufacturing, production, and distribution processes; local
government projects; and general construction.

* NB Authority of office terminated per § 893 December 31, 1995