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Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 41
* § 895. Definitions. When used in this article:

1. "Office" means the office of urban revitalization created by this

2. "Director" means the executive director of the urban affairs
cabinet and chief administrative officer of the office of urban

3. "State agency" means any department, board, bureau, commission,
division, office, council or agency of the state, or a public benefit
corporation or authority authorized by the laws of the state.

4. "Federal agency" means any department, office, council or agency of
the federal government, or any public benefit corporation or authority
authorized by federal statute.

5. "Local agency" means any community organization created for the
purposes of enhancing the revitalization of distressed urban areas.

6. "Distressed urban area" means communities within cities or urban
counties of the state characterized by blight, stagnating or declining
tax base, an unemployment rate in excess of the statewide average, an
aged housing stock, a stagnating or declining population or the
existence of ten per centum or more of the population at or below the
poverty level.

7. "Cabinet" means the urban revitalization affairs cabinet created
pursuant to an executive order to assist the governor in the
coordination of state policies and programs affecting urban areas.

* NB Expired March 31, 1985