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General functions, powers and duties
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 41
* § 897. General functions, powers and duties. The office of urban
revitalization by and through the director or his duly authorized
officers and employees, shall have the following functions, powers and

1. To provide comprehensive information on existing state, federal and
local urban development and revitalization programs upon request to any
local agency located in distressed urban area of the state.

2. To receive notification from all state agencies engaged in urban
development and revitalization programs of program descriptions,
appropriation data, application procedures and local agencies or
community non-profit organizations receiving state assistance for such
programs. The office shall, upon receipt of such notification, make
available a listing of existing programs and assure that all related
local agencies are notified of their existence.

3. To assist, upon request, applicant local agencies located in
distressed urban areas in obtaining timely and efficient responses from
state and federal agencies, to assist such applicants in consideration
of alternative program grant strategies and to assist state and federal
agencies in cooperative approaches to address the needs of such

4. To review application procedures formulated by state agencies and
to recommend improvements designed to increase the efficiency of these
procedures and to enhance the probability for the success of such
applications from local agencies located in distressed urban areas.

5. To make available to local agencies, individuals and corporations
located in distressed urban areas assistance concerning grant
applications procedures and techniques and job development opportunities
and to encourage the assistance of the private sector in effectuating
the revitalization of distressed urban areas.

6. To administer local assistance programs authorized by the
legislature pursuant to statute, within amounts appropriated therefor,
designed to encourage revitalization of distressed urban areas.

7. To assist the governor, the cabinet and the legislature in the
coordination, consolidation and improvement of state policy for
distressed urban areas, through the establishment, as far as is
practical, of offices in such areas, through the holding of public
hearings and to represent the governor before federal agencies on
matters of importance to coordinate policy for the revitalization of
such areas.

8. To apply for and receive, consistent with the appropriation,
notification, and approval requirements of the state finance law, grants
or financial assistance from federal agencies.

9. To adopt such rules and regulations, procedures, instructions, and
forms as are required to carry out the functions, powers and duties
imposed upon the office by this article.

10. To serve as staff for the cabinet in the formation of agendas for
regular meetings, the preparation of minutes of such meetings, the
development of policy papers and assuring the implementation of policies
and programs proposed by the cabinet and adopted by the governor.

* NB Expired March 31, 1985